Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty):
Tummy tuck surgery eliminates loose, sagging skin in the stomach and tightens the skin that remains, giving the abdomen a flatter, more firm appearance. drName knows that a healthy diet and regular exercise is important to having a fit body, but that sometimes these aren’t enough to counter the effects of childbearing, age or significant weight loss. Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, can provide patients the abdominal contour they want.
Every patient’s body is different, and every tummy tuck addresses specific issues. Extra skin and stretch marks are often of concern, and a patient’s abdominal muscles can be weakened or damaged by pregnancy, surgery or changes in weight. Tummy tuck surgery can flatten, contour and tighten the stomach area for both women and men. Abdominoplasty, available by our own drName, is one of the most popular plastic surgeries available.
Tummy Tuck Overview
A tummy tuck is specifically targeted to the abdominal area, and is the removal of both tissue and skin as well as any required tightening of the abdominal muscles and support tissues. A mini-tuck is limited to issues between the groin and the bellybutton. A full tuck adds liposuction and can address the entire stomach. Some patients have issues with excess skin around their backs and hips, which can also be corrected with a modified tuck. Firmer, tighter abdominal skin and a more contoured torso has been achieved by tummy tuck patients world-wide.
drName will meet with you for an initial consultation, where you will receive all the information you need about the tummy tuck procedure and get answers to all of your questions. Your treatment options will be reviewed and drName will make an individual treatment plan just for you based on the best and most beneficial choices available to you. drName will be your guide through tummy tuck surgery, before, during and after the procedure.
Abdominoplasty is typically performed as an in-patient day surgery, and a majority of patients are able to return home that same day to recover in their own beds. Because drName goes over all pre-op and post-operative instructions with you, you will know exactly what to expect before you step into the surgical room.
Before Tummy Tuck Surgery:
Patients who choose tummy tuck surgery will provide a comprehensive medical history and will undergo a thorough physical examination to assess their overall health. The perfect tummy tuck patient is in excellent health but merely wishes to correct some aesthetic issues. “Before” photos will be taken to compare with photographs taken following surgery.
Patients who seek abdominoplasty following significant weight loss are advised to complete their weight loss and reach a stable weight prior to the surgery. Female patients who plan to become pregnant in the future are advised to put off their tummy tuck until childbearing is complete, as pregnancy can damage and weaken the abdominal muscles.
To prevent infection, antibiotics may be prescribed prior to surgery. Patients are advised to stop taking any drugs that thin the blood, as they can lead to excess bleeding. Antiseptic soap should be added to the bathing routine several days prior to the procedure.
Tummy Tuck Surgery:
Tummy tuck surgery utilizes general anesthesia. Extra medication may be given to you in the hours prior to surgery to aid in relaxation. Your surgery may take up to five hours and is dependent on the extent of the surgery and your overall condition. You’ll be released to go home or will stay in the hospital for a few days as it warranted by your health.
Commonly, a u-shaped incision is made beneath one hipbone and is brought across the pubic area and up again to the opposite hipbone. Another incision is made near the bellybutton. The skin is lifted off of the abdominal muscles, allowing the loose, damaged muscles to be tightened utilizing sutures. Excess fat and skin are removed and the skin is brought down over the abdomen again. If necessary, the navel is reconstructed and the long incisions are sutured closed. Drains attached to bulbs are often used to aid in the removal of built-up fluid, and the area is bound firmly with strong elastic bandages.
Recovering from Tummy Tuck Surgery:
Swelling and pain are normal following a tummy tuck procedure. You may feel immediate discomfort that can be controlled with pain medication. Special instructions regarding showering and keeping the bandages fresh will be provided, and should be followed closely until the incision stitches are removed, typically within one week. Custom-fit support garments may aid in your recovery for support and comfort.
If you are in good physical condition prior to the surgery, you will recover faster than someone in poor physical shape. Plan to take a minimum of 2-4 weeks for recovery and before returning to work. Scarring is normal, but will fade over time, usually in 9-12 months.
A tummy tuck has one of the longest recovery periods of cosmetic surgeries, but it’s also one of the most rewarding to patients, who feel so good about their “new” flatter stomachs. Healthy patients who take care of their bodies are the best candidates for abdominoplasty, and will have the best possible results.